Pattern Energy Reducing Texas Wind Downtime With Uptake Software


Chicago-based Uptake, an industrial data science and artificial intelligence software provider, has announced a new wind power agreement with Pattern Energy Group Inc.

Pattern Energy will pilot Uptake’s predictive analytics software at its Logan’s Gap Wind facility in Comanche County, Texas. The site’s 87 turbines have 200 MW of capacity, which can power approximately 50,000 homes. Pattern Energy, headquartered in San Francisco, manages its wind fleet through its operations control center in Houston.

“Deploying Uptake’s software will reduce downtime and increase the number of megawatts Pattern Energy’s turbines produce,” explains Ryan Blitstein, vice president of renewable energy at Uptake. “With more users, our software will generate better insights for all customers to create a more productive, reliable, safe and secure world.”

A report by Uptake recently found that the U.S. wind fleet could produce 12 TWh more energy by eliminating downtime – enough energy to power nearly every home in the city of Chicago.

“Pattern Energy has been impressed with the value Uptake has brought to wind fleets and major companies in other industries,” comments Ben Rice, a senior engineering manager for Pattern Energy. “We are eager to test Uptake’s software so as to connect the issues we see in our operations center to our technicians in the field.”

In March 2017, Uptake announced that two Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiaries would be the first to deploy its wind software.

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