Throughout the decade, states have launched initiatives to promote alternative energy sources, improve energy efficiency and lower greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report released by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center).
‘Advancing Clean Energy: A Report on the Clean Energy States Grant Program,’ profiles the work of 12 states that were selected for participation in the Clean Energy States Grant Program as part of the Securing a Clean Energy Future Initiative. The program provided states an opportunity to explore and expand new techniques for promoting clean energy, as well as develop and implement their own state programs.
‘The accomplishments of these states provide concrete examples of how states from across the country – with varying natural resource and economic conditions – can advance energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean transportation fuels,’ says John Thomasian, director of the NGA Center.
Examples of the progress seen in some of the participating states include the creation of a fully operational carbon emissions offset program and utilization of a geographic information system-enabled Web application to help identify promising locations for renewable energy resources and transmission needs.
SOURCE: The National Governors Association