N.Y. Grid Operator Announces New Wind Power Record


Strong winds across New York State on Monday morning pushed electricity generated by wind power to a new record for the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO).

According to NYISO, the record output of 1,622 MW – set during the 5:00 a.m. hour on Oct. 30 – eclipsed the previous record of 1,574 MW, which was set on March 2.

When overall wind production peaked at 1,622 MW on Monday morning, it provided 12% of all energy generation in New York, according to the grid manager, which adds that this record output represents 89% of the 1,827 MW of installed wind capacity in New York State.

NYISO notes that 1 MW is approximately the amount of electricity required to supply 800 to 1,000 homes. A real-time fuel mix display showing fuels used to generate electricity in New York State is available here.

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