Wind Turbine Catches Fire At Locust Ridge Project In Pennsylvania


On Monday night, a fire broke out in one of the wind turbines at Avangrid Renewables’ Locust Ridge II wind farm in east-central Pennsylvania.

According to a statement from Avangrid Renewables, the fire was “self-contained” and did not cause any injuries or additional property damage.

A local report from The Shenandoah Sentinel notes that firefighters were dispatched to the scene at around 9:30 p.m. The fire burned out on its own in approximately one hour, and firefighters left the scene by 11:00 p.m.

Avangrid says it is currently investigating to determine the cause of the incident.

Located in Schuylkill and Columbia counties, the 102 MW project – adjacent to Avangrid’s Locust Ridge I – comprises 51 Gamesa G83 2.0 MW turbines, according to a project fact sheet. The wind farm, located on land leased from private landowners and two municipal water authorities, entered commercial operations in 2009.

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6 years ago

The fourth fire at Locust Creek in 9 years. One of these years it’ll be dry and you’ll have a forest fire on your hands, Avangrid/Iberdrola. Is there a plan to deal with this type of event filed with the state and local fire fighting organizations?