Transmission owners in the Southeast have proposed a plan to expand the existing processes for regional transmission planning. The plan outlines an inter-regional process for Alabama Electric Coop., Dalton Utilities, Duke Energy Carolinas, Entergy Operating Companies, Georgia Transmission Corp., Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Progress Energy Carolinas, Santee Cooper, South Carolina Electric and Gas, South Mississippi Electric Power Association, Southern Co. and Tennessee Valley Authority. According to Progress Energy, the proposal will be incorporated into each participating transmission owner's planning process.
Under the proposed plan, the planning processes developed by the participating transmission providers for compliance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order 890 will be used to collect data, coordinate planning assumptions and address stakeholder study requests involving their respective region. The data and assumptions developed at the regional level will then be consolidated and used in the development of models for use in the proposed inter-regional participation process.
In addition to performing stakeholder requested studies, the inter-regional planning process will provide a means for the participating transmission providers and stakeholders to review the data, assumptions and assessments being performed on an inter-regional basis.