Longroad Energy Selects WeBoost Platform to Optimize Turbine Performance


Longroad Energy Holdings, a U.S.-based renewable energy developer, owner and operator, has increased its annual energy production (AEP) by 2.5% using the WindESCo WeBoost AEP optimization platform. 

Longroad chose WindESCo, a company that specializes in renewable energy optimization, to provide insight and actionable analytics to better optimize its wind assets. Longroad has been using WindESCo’s yaw alignment technology since April 2018 and expanded its relationship with the company to leverage the complete WeBoost platform, as well as increase AEP at newly acquired farms.

“We’ve expanded our wind projects with WindESCo based on the success we have been having using this innovative and advanced technology,” says Jeremy Law, vice president of asset management for Longroad. “WeBoost provides us not only with real-time insights on identifying how our wind farm is performing but also tells us what underlying issues we need to fix to unlock the hidden value which we could not do before. The insights have allowed us to get more out of our recently acquired wind assets.”

WindESCo says its WeBoost platform combines advanced analytics, proprietary algorithms and domain expertise to identify, fix and optimize hidden wind turbine potential. Using a combination of engineering, machine learning and experience models applied to SCADA data, WeBoost increases turbine output by detecting specific turbine underperformance and provides recommendations and specific actions to fix inefficiencies to continually optimize a wind farm’s maximum output.

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