The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have launched a joint research program to produce high-resolution models for predicting climate change and its resulting impacts.
Called ‘Decadal and Regional Climate Prediction Using Earth System Models’ (EaSM), the program is designed to generate models that can help decision-makers develop adaptation strategies addressing climate change. These models will be developed through a joint, interagency solicitation for proposals.
The goal of EaSM is to predict climate change and its associated impacts at more localized scales and over shorter time periods than previously possible; and to create innovative interdisciplinary approaches to address the interdisciplinary sources and impacts of climate change.
‘The impacts of energy production and use on climate and the impacts of a changing climate on our future energy infrastructure are among the most critical challenges facing the Department of Energy,’ says William F. Brinkman, director of DOE's Office of Science. ‘This research will help us better understand how much our climate is changing and what that will mean at both a global and regional level over the next few decades.’
The joint solicitation for EaSM proposals enables the three partner agencies to combine resources and fund the highest-impact projects without duplicating efforts. The fiscal year (FY) 2010 EaSM solicitation will be supported by the following funding levels: 1) about $30 million from the NSF, 2) about $10 million from the DOE, and 3) about $9 million from the USDA.
This is the first solicitation for the five-year EaSM program, which will run from FY 2010 to FY 2014. Submitted proposals will be reviewed through NSF's peer-review process, and awards will be funded by all three partner agencies. About 20 NSF grants under EaSM are expected to be awarded.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Energy Â