AWEA Names Vestas’ Brown, Xcel’s Mogensen As CLEANPOWER Conference Chairs


The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) has announced conference chairs for CLEANPOWER 2020 (CP 2020), taking place June 1-4, 2020, in Denver.

Chris Brown, president of Vestas’ sales and service division in the U.S. and Canada, and Teresa Mogensen, senior vice president of energy supply at Xcel Energy, will provide vision and leadership defining CP 2020 conference program objectives, including the selection of session topics and speakers.

At WINDPOWER 2019 in May, AWEA’s CEO, Tom Kiernan, announced the creation of CLEANPOWER as a new exhibition hub that will bring together the utility-scale wind power, solar power and energy storage industries.

“For years, the WINDPOWER conference has been the leading platform for wind industry leaders like Vestas to gather market intelligence, network and build partnerships,” Brown says. “While WINDPOWER will remain the heart of this annual event, I’m thrilled to help guide its evolution into an expanded scope as CLEANPOWER, an even bigger opportunity for companies in wind, solar and storage.”

“Xcel Energy is committed to a carbon-free future that requires wind, solar, storage and other technologies to work together,” Mogensen says. “That’s precisely what CLEANPOWER 2020 will do. As conference chair, I’m honored to develop a program that will help our sector grow more efficiently by addressing issues in finance and investment, electrification, grid integration, market design and transmission, and the myriad federal, state and regional policies that we must navigate.”

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