The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) has announced the creation of CLEANPOWER, a new exhibition hub that will bring together the utility-scale wind power, solar power and energy storage industries.

AWEA’s WINDPOWER 2020 will be housed within CLEANPOWER, which will launch in Denver next May.

AWEA’s CEO, Tom Kiernan, made the announcement during WINDPOWER 2019’s welcome general session:

“The future of American energy is clean and renewable. We’re proud to announce CLEANPOWER, an exhibition hub designed from the ground up for the diverse clean energy industry and supply-chain professionals who are building that future. We’ve welcomed multi-technology businesses at WINDPOWER for years. Now we’re throwing the doors open, creating an even bigger opportunity for companies in wind, solar, storage and other clean energy technologies to learn and do business across the utility-scale power sector.”

The WINDPOWER Conference and Exhibition will continue as the heart of CLEANPOWER, with the addition of exhibition space and conference programming for utility-scale solar, storage and other clean energy technologies. By incorporating these technologies into a single exhibition hub, CLEANPOWER will create efficiencies for exhibitors and attendees with multi-technology business models, says AWEA.

WINDPOWER 2019’s theme, WIND+, emphasizes how wind, solar and storage can work together to build a cleaner, stronger power grid for the future. Energy storage played a big role at WINDPOWER 2018 with remarks from the Energy Storage Association’s CEO, Kelly Speakes-Backman. Last year, AWEA also launched the Clean Energy Executive Summit as an outgrowth of the long-standing AWEA Fall Symposium.

“The CLEANPOWER hub will bring in new attendees and exhibitors from across the spectrum of utility-scale renewable industries,” explains Jana Adams, senior vice president of member value and experience at AWEA. “We look forward to announcing more details about CLEANPOWER 2020 in the coming weeks.”

AWEA will announce formal partnerships in the lead-up to the first CLEANPOWER expo in 2020.

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