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Mark Del Franco

Mark Del Franco
Focusing on all aspects of the wind industry, Mark Del Franco has served as editor of North American Windpower magazine since 2008. From the ongoing saga of the production tax credit to the development of the U.S. offshore wind industry to Ontario's feed-in tariff struggles, Del Franco has covered it all in U.S. and Canada.

ACCIONA Reaffirms Wind Power Plans For North America

After nearly three years of relative inactivity in the U.S., the company sees great opportunity to acquire mid- to late-stage wind projects.

Risk-y Business: Regional Bank Digs Into Renewable Energy

Since financing a 1.4 MW stationary fuel cell at Central Connecticut State University in 2011, Webster Bank has financed approximately 60 MW of...

What’s Behind Canada’s Inflated Balance-Of-Plant Costs?

With more than 10 GW of installed capacity in Canada, wind energy now competes with traditional sources of electricity generation in many regions...

Provinces Grapple With Climate Change Plans Ahead Of Paris Conference

Climate change is in the air as many of the wind-friendly provinces are finalizing their plans ahead of the forthcoming 2015 United Nations...

Not Dead Yet: Cape Wind Refutes Claims Of Its Demise

Reports of Cape Wind's demise are not only greatly exaggerated, but they are also patently false, explains Dennis Duffy, vice president of regulatory...

Connecticut’s First Utility-Scale Wind Farm Is Nearly Complete

The principals behind Colebrook, Conn.-based BNE Energy are here to dispel a myth about the lack of wind development currently in the Nutmeg...

Forthcoming New Jersey Offshore Wind Auction Puts The Spotlight On Uneasy State, Federal Dance

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has confirmed that it will indeed host an offshore wind lease auction for sites off the...

Leading Ontario Wind Developers Respond To Large Procurement Call

A 'who's who' of Ontario wind energy developers has responded to the provincial government's call for renewable energy projects exceeding 500 kW. Wind...

Replenishing The Pipeline: EDF Renewable Energy Scoops Up Wind Developer OwnEnergy

EDF Renewable Energy (EDF RE) has acquired Brooklyn, N.Y.-based OwnEnergy, a national developer of midsize wind projects. The transaction includes 100% of OwnEnergy's...

Too Much Of A Good Thing? Nova Scotia Ends Community Feed-In Tariff Program

The Nova Scotia government will end the five-year-old community feed-in tariff (COMFIT) program, a decision that came after a program review that began...

Duke Energy Renewables Says Its Eagle Curtailment Program In Wyoming Is Working

Nearly two years after settling a $1 million avian mortality suit with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for violating the Migratory Bird...

Renewable Energy Advocates Press Congress For Wind PTC, Solar ITC In Tax Extenders

NAW has learned that the Senate Finance Committee is nearing the release of a mark-up bill extending about 55 tax incentives that expired...

SunEdison Acquires 930 MW From Invenergy

SunEdison and yieldco TerraForm Power have acquired 930 MW of installed capacity from Chicago-based independent power producer Invenergy. The $2 billion acquisition calls...

What The Supreme Court’s MATS Ruling Could Mean For The Clean Power Plan

By a 5-4 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) erred in its rulemaking of its Mercury and...

Small Project In Illinois Could Make Big Headlines In Wind Farm Construction

Citing nonpayment for services rendered, Fort Worth, Texas-based construction services firm AUI Holdings aims to foreclose on the Sublette, Ill.-based Papiech wind project,...

DOE Will Evaluate Offshore Wind Alternates Should Down-Select Awardees Falter

It has been 13 months since the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) selected Dominion Virginia Power, Fishermen's Energy and Principle Power as the...

Developer Claims Ontario Government Officials Knowingly Destroyed Emails, Obfuscated Evidence

Offshore wind developer Trillium Power Wind Corp. is claiming that Ontario officials knowingly destroyed and obfuscated evidence relating to its lawsuit against the...

Gone With The Wind: Texas Threat Peters Out As Legislative Clock Expires On Bill’s...

The U.S. wind industry can now exhale, as the Texas legislature adjourned without repealing the state's renewable portfolio standard (RPS) and its Competitive...

Time To Take Off The Gloves: Incoming AWEA Board Chairman Vows No More Mr....

Mike Garland, the newly elected chairman of the board of directors at the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), has a message for the...

AWEA’s Kiernan: The Future Of The U.S. Wind Industry Is Now

With policies crucial to the future development of U.S. wind power coming under increased scrutiny in many key wind states, Tom Kiernan, CEO...

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