A wind project funded by Harbec Inc. and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has started operation at the Wayne Industrial Sustainability Park, bringing wind power to three local businesses that employ nearly 200 people.
According to NYSERDA, the 850 kW turbine cost $2.4 million and was funded in part by a $400,000 incentive from NYSERDA's on-site wind turbine incentive program. This is the largest wind turbine funded through this program and will generate more than 2 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. The program offers incentives for rural homes, farms and municipalities seeking wind power, notes NYSERDA.
The owner of the turbine is Harbec Inc., a 140-employee plastic manufacturer located at the industrial park. Power from the turbine is shared between Harbec and two smaller firms: Sustainable Energy Developments, a wind and solar project developer and installer of the new turbine, and Upstate Oil Collection Inc., a company that recycles fryer waste oil for the biodiesel industry.
Harbec has also received other incentives from NYSERDA. Two years ago, the company received $150,000 to improve the energy efficiency of its manufacturing equipment. In 2012, the company was awarded $740,000 to upgrade its combined heat and power system to make it more efficient.