Wind Vet Joins San Francisco Renewables Law Firm


Cleantech Law Partners, a law firm dedicated exclusively to the renewable energy industry, has welcomed attorney Joshua Nathan to its team. Nathan has held the position of general counsel for Vestas American Wind Technology, Acciona Energy North America and Third Planet Windpower LLC since 2000.

According to the San Francisco-based firm, Nathan has been representing manufacturers; engineering, procurement and construction contractors; service providers; and developers in the construction, technology and clean energy sectors for more than 20 years. He specializes in issues affecting the clean technology and renewable energy industries.

In addition, he has consulted wind, solar, biomass and real estate companies in a wide range of projects, the firm says.

“Josh’s background spans a broad spectrum of legal areas, with extensive experience working in the renewable energy sector,” states Jack Jacobs, CLP’s managing partner. “His expertise is a great match for CLP and will help us continue to serve our clients’ growing legal needs.”

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