Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturer Molded Fiber Glass To Rehire 15 Laid-Off Workers


Fifteen of the 92 workers laid off last month by South Dakota-based wind turbine blade and nacelle manufacturer Molded Fiber Glass (MFG) have been called back to work, Aberdeen News reports.

The company told Aberdeen News that most of those 15 workers will return to MFG this week, while those who have already started new jobs will return after giving two weeks' notice.

Last month, MFG laid off 92 employees due to a downturn in orders resulting from the lack of a production tax credit extension. However, the company now says it has received additional orders from GE for its 40-meter blade, as well as for a new, 48.7-meter blade.

After the 15 workers return to MFG, the company will employ 293 people, according to Aberdeen News.

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