Wind- And Hydro-Powered Kodiak Island Gets Battery Storage Boost


Younicos has completed the installation and commissioning of an upgraded 3 MW battery-based energy storage system on Kodiak Island, Alaska, which is almost completely powered by renewable energy.

The company says it replaced previously deployed lead-acid systems with advanced lithium-ion batteries, significantly extending the resource’s operational lifetime and enhancing performance and reliability.

“Younicos is a forward-thinking organization with proven technology that shares our belief in clean and affordable energy,” says Darren Scott, president and CEO of Kodiak Electric Assocation (KEA). “As a cooperative, we’re owned by the island’s residents, who care about the environment and electricity rates. This upgraded battery system will ensure continued use of renewable energy, keeping our grid reliable and our costs down.”

In 2007, KEA set a goal to produce 95% of Kodiak Island’s energy from renewable sources by 2020 in order to greatly reduce reliance on diesel fuel and lower the cost of generation to customers. The utility reached that goal ahead of schedule in 2012. To help achieve the goal, Younicos says its battery system specifically helped the island increase its amount of wind energy while maintaining reliability.

According to the Sierra Club, the island’s 15,000 residents were receiving 99.7% of their power from both wind and hydropower by 2014. Before it added wind energy, KEA was burning approximately 2.8 million gallons of diesel annually, the group said in May.

“We’re delighted to have worked again with KEA to upgrade this system and help support 100 percent renewables on the island,” adds Jayesh Goyal, Younicos’ managing director. “This implementation of lithium-ion batteries greatly enhances the system’s performance and flexibility while providing grid services and improved resiliency.”

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