Wind Energy Generation Hits All-Time High In Texas


Wind energy generation in Texas broke a new record on Oct. 7, according to a report from the state's grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).

That afternoon, wind generated 15.2% – or 7,400 MW – of ERCOT's demand for electricity.

‘[T]his is yet another case showing that large amounts of wind energy can be integrated into existing utility systems reliably,’ Michael Goggin, manager of transmission policy at ERCOT, said in a statement to the American Wind Energy Association. ‘Texas is already the national leader in wind power. The number of wind turbines and wind farms there and in other windy states across America is continuing to grow and shows the success of stable federal tax policies, starting with the production tax credit for renewable energy.’

According to ERCOT, wind energy represents nearly 58% of all new generation seen in the planning stages over the next few years in Texas.

The full ERCOT report can be viewed here.

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