Texas Posts 15% Increase In Wind Energy Generation In 2011


Renewable energy generation in Texas increased by 13% – with wind power generation up 15% – in 2011 over 2010, according to the renewable energy credits (RECs) registry administered by the state's grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

The renewable energy recorded in the state's REC program was 31.7 TWh in 2011, compared to 28 TWh in 2010. Wind energy generation represented the largest share, at nearly 30.8 TWh. Due to the ongoing drought in most of the state, generation of hydroelectric power decreased by more than half, while solar power generation more than doubled.

For the fourth consecutive year, the RECs retired in the voluntary market exceeded the mandatory retirements.

Texas' renewable portfolio standard program currently includes 118 generation accounts representing a total of 11.2978 GW of new renewable energy generation added in Texas since 1999. An additional 297.6 MW registered in the program is from six renewable generation resources that were in service prior to September 1999, for a total of 11.585 GW.

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