Study Confirms Wind Turbines Pose No Health Risk In Ontario


A new report has concluded that there is no direct health risk posed by wind turbine sound in Ontario at the province's regulated setback distance, debunking claims that wind turbines are harmful to human health.

The study, which was conducted by HGC Engineering for the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, analyzed the latest findings on low-frequency noise and infrasound from wind turbines. In addition, three experts in the field of noise, vibration and acoustics reviewed and validated the report.

The report found that the province's rules to control wind turbine sound are rigorous: Ontario has one of the strictest noise limits in North America, which includes a 550-meter minimum setback, based on a 40-decibel limit. These requirements align with the limits set by the World Health Organization.

For the study, the noise consultants reviewed more than 100 papers and reports from Ontario, Alberta and countries around the world.

Ontario's Ministry of the Environment notes that it will continue to monitor this evolving science's technical developments and any emerging regulatory policies introduced in other countries.

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