Siemens To Examine Ocotillo Rotor Blade Crash; Curtails B53 Blade Types Globally


Siemens has confirmed that a B53 rotor blade on a SWT-2.3-108 wind turbine broke off near the blade root and fell to the ground at the Ocotillo Wind project in California. No one was injured.

The manufacturer has convened a team of experts at the site that will examine all facets of this incident, including the production, installation, commissioning and service of the blade, which is under warranty.

Siemens says it does not know what caused the rotor blade malfunction and is working to determine if it is related to a recent similar incident at the Eclipse wind farm, a 200 MW project located in Guthrie and Audubon counties, Iowa.

Siemens is taking the step of curtailing all turbines with the B53 blade type globally. These turbines will remain curtailed until it can be determined they are not at risk of a similar malfunction, Siemens notes. As the inspections and analysis progress, Siemens will make further determinations on curtailment protocols.

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