Siemens Gamesa Offshore Turbine Attains DNV GL Certification


DNV GL has awarded Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy with the Type Certificate for offshore for its SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbine.

The certificate confirms full compliance of the turbine design to the international wind turbine standard IECRE OD-501 and allows for immediate market implementation. The turbine will be installed in offshore wind developments worldwide, including the 1.4 GW Hornsea 2 project in the U.K. and the 900 MW Greater Changhua 1 & 2a project in Taiwan.

Compared to its predecessor, the SG 8.0-167 DD is equipped with an 81-meter-long rotor blade that allows for a wider range and optimal usage of the wind site conditions. Siemens Gamesa’s SG 8.0-167 DD turbine provides an increase in annual energy production of 20% compared to the previously certified turbine variant, the SWT-7.0-154.

“In our recently published Energy Transition Outlook Report, we predict a significant growth of installed capacity for offshore-wind powered generation, from 20 GW in 2017 to 150 GW in 2030 and even 1,550 GW in 2050,” says Kim Mørk, executive vice president of renewables certification at DNV GL.

“To realize this ambitious growth of wind energy, it is vital that OEMs like Siemens Gamesa continue to optimize turbine types that deliver significantly improved energy production and cost efficiency, driven in part by increased turbine, blade and tower size. These trends result in improved energy capture per project or lower cost per MWh,” he adds.

Siemens Gamesa’s SG 8.0-167 DD turbine is suitable for both 50 Hz and 60 Hz grid operation.

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