Second Wind Introduces New Wind Vane


Somerville, Mass.-based Second Wind has introduced a new wind vane that allows meteorologists and wind prospectors to measure wind direction more accurately under more conditions, according to the company.

The PV-1 wind vane is a continuous rotation sensor that uses a potentiometer to record wind direction on a Nomad 2 Data Logger or a similar data logging device. It is designed to offer an alternative to the most commonly used vane for wind resource assessment.

The PV-1 has a typical deadband (gap in the resistor when data is unable to be collected) that is 25% smaller than competing products, which allows for greater accuracy. In previous wind vane models, water often collected into a groove and froze, causing the sensor to provide incorrect readings. Second Wind's anti-icing design allows for a more worry-free and reliable performance.

The PV-1 also features simple mechanical construction from corrosion-resistant materials, no set screws to vibrate loose, a life span of 50 million revolutions and multiple mechanical and contact seals, according to Second Wind. It is designed with materials that are RoHS-compliant, involving no toxic metals.

‘As the wind energy industry grows, we think customers deserve a wider choice of sensors for conducting wind assessment,’ says Walter Sass, president of Second Wind. ‘With the PV-1, we've taken a fresh look at the design and established several advancements that will allow people to gather more accurate readings.’

For more information, visit

SOURCE: Second Wind Inc.

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