Power From Walney 2 Offshore Wind Farm Now Flowing To Grid


The Walney 2 offshore wind farm has started delivering electricity to the U.K.'s national grid, DONG Energy has announced.

Walney 1 became fully operational in May, and Walney 2 is expected to be fully operational by the end of this year, giving it a total capacity of 367.2 MW.

The Walney offshore wind farms are located approximately 15 km from the coastline of Walney Island. Each of the two wind farms consists of 51 turbines, each with a capacity of 3.6 MW.

DONG Energy (50.1%), Scottish and Southern Energy (25.1%) and OPW (24.8%) are the companies behind Walney Windfarms Ltd., with DONG Energy serving as the leading partner in the construction and operational phases of the projects.

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