Poll: New Yorkers Want Clean Energy


An overwhelming 90% of New York voters back the state’s push to 50% clean energy by 2030, according to a study backed by The Nature Conservancy.

In fact, the poll finds that the average voter wants 70% of New York electricity to come from clean, renewable sources. Voters were also nearly unanimous in their support for wind and solar power, as well as for a modern “smart” grid system that includes wind, solar and energy storage capacity. Eighty nine percent of voters support using more wind power, 94% support using more solar power, and 95% would like a modern grid system.

The group commissioned the study to determine how state voters feel about New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV), an initiative to revamp the electricity system. Doing so, proponents note, would reduce costs, increase reliability and limit greenhouse-gas emissions.

Notably, the study finds that not only do New York voters recognize their role in combating climate change, but they are also willing to pay for it.

According to the study, voters are willing to pay up to $10 more per month in order to implement REV. This willingness was consistent across demographic groups, including among voters with household incomes below $30,000 per year. This sets New York apart, notes The Nature Conservancy, as not every state is this eager to take action to modernize its electric grid.

To read more about the study, click here.

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