Olympus Scientific Cloud Version 3.0 Now Available


Olympus has released Olympus Scientific Cloud (OSC) version 3.0 – a platform that gives Olympus inspection and analytical devices additional tools and features for gathering and organizing data yielded from operations such as wind turbine inspections.

Accessed directly from the Olympus-IMS website, users will experience a streamlined UI, a new App Marketplace, instrument fleet and personnel management tools and cloud data storage. By signing up for a free OSC account, users with Olympus wireless-enabled devices – including the Vanta XRF analyzer, EPOCH 6LT flaw detector and 38DL PLUS thickness gage with a 38-Link adaptor – can expand their instruments’ capabilities with free features such as 10 GB of storage per tenant, wireless software updates, cloud access to manuals and calibration certificates, user registration, role management and more. Users can also browse free and paid applications.

The OSC provides a single location where administrators can control the users and devices associated with their cloud tenant. Admins can control users’ privileges and roles, add/remove members, manage their data and manage subscriptions. For devices, users can add new devices to their tenant and view previously registered instruments. Critical documentation associated with each instrument, such as calibration certificates and user manuals, can also be viewed and downloaded.

The OSC is protected by leading-edge security features and is built on the Microsoft Azure platform. Users maintain full ownership and control over their data, and Olympus does not access or share customer information.

For more information about the Olympus Scientific Cloud or to sign up for a free account, click here.

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