Northern Power And WEG Partner To Develop 3.3 MW Wind Turbine


Vermont-based Northern Power Systems Corp. has announced it is working to develop a new 3.3 MW wind turbine with Brazilian partner WEG.

Northern Power says the new turbine will be designed specifically for the Brazilian market. The development effort is part of an agreement between WEG and Tractebel Energia, a company of GDF Suez Group, under the Brazilian National Electrical Energy Agency research and development program.

WEG plans to produce the new 3.3 MW turbine in the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina and is expecting to leverage it first in the growing South American wind market and later expand with Northern Power for global deployment.

According to Northern Power, this new development effort will further complement the companies' existing portfolio of utility-scale wind turbines, which is currently led by a 2 MW onshore turbine offering.

‘Northern Power has proven to be a strong technology partner for WEG as we expand our business in the growing wind energy generation market in Brazil,’ says WEG's Joao Paulo Gualberto da Silva. ‘We are expecting this technology to be an asset for our global expansion in the wind space, and look forward to partnering with Northern Power on global opportunities.’

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