Nordex Closes First Half With 162% Increase In German Installations


Nordex, which has installed more than 18 GW of wind power capacity in over 25 markets, says it has closed the first half of 2016 with a new record in German installations – adding 134 new turbines in a 135% increase over the same period in the previous year.

The company further states that it brought increasingly larger turbines online during this period – as a result of this, average capacity per turbine rose from 2.3 MW to approximately 2.6 MW. In terms of output, new installations rose by 162% to 341 MW.

“Given the current political discussion in Germany, reliable deliveries are of enormous importance for our customers, as this directly impacts the economic viability of the projects,” explains Jörg Hempel, the managing director responsible for the German market at Nordex. “What is more, we have in our current range an optimum turbine for every location. This is reflected in the substantial increase in success that we have achieved at locations with stronger wind conditions.”

Sales volumes in these regions have now increased again to 23%, the company states.

According to Nordex, a total of 107 turbines – including the N117/2400 Gamma turbines for IEC3 locations and the new N131/3000 turbines – were installed in the first half of the year. In addition to non-coastal areas, the coastal regions with IEC1 and 2 locations – which Nordex addresses with its Delta models (N100/3300, N117/3000) – have returned to the forefront. Nordex installed a total of 27 turbines from this range in the first half of the year.

Further, the breakdown by German state shows that with 33 turbine installations, Bavaria was again at the top, followed by Baden-Württemberg, with 22 turbines.

Looking forward, Nordex says it is optimistic about its market share and forecasts 30% growth in wind power in the first half of this year.

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