Nordex Offers New Wind Turbine Sound Reductions


For Generation Delta turbines, the Nordex Group offers solutions specifically for noise-sensitive sites in order to increase turbine output while maintaining sound emissions at the same level. The manufacturer is now widening this range with the Xtended Power Sound Concept solution package, also covering N100/2500 and N117/2400 turbines from Generation Gamma, as well as Generation Delta machines as a retrofit option.

Two independent but complementary products – sound mode optimization and serrations – enable customers to benefit from significant reductions in sound power levels while increasing turbine yield by up to 13%, says Nordex. In addition to these two products, the offer also includes a site-specific analysis of the potential for noise reduction, taking official requirements into account. Nordex notes it also carries out any new noise measurements that may also be required by authorities.

Normally, a turbine’s output is lowered in order to minimize noise, reducing the RPM in the generator and thus the rotation speed of the rotor blades. By specifically raising the torque, the sound mode optimization upgrade makes it possible to improve the power curve while maintaining the same RPM. The upgrade allows the turbine to operate with a number of noise-optimized modes; these can be individually set on the basis of wind direction, outside temperature or even public holidays. Thus, the acoustic load is reduced in line with site requirements, while output is increased.

With serrations – components added to the trailing edges of the blades on site – the sound power level of the turbines is constantly reduced by around 1.5 decibels. The turbine is quieter overall and allows the operator to change into a higher operating mode, says Nordex.

Both products are also available individually, depending on the results of site-specific analyses. The Xtended Power Sound Concept upgrade package is immediately available for N100/2500 and N117/2400 turbines in Generation Gamma, as well as for Generation Delta turbines.

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