New York To BOEM: Here’s Where We Can Build Offshore Wind


New York State has asked the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to consider identifying and leasing at least four new Wind Energy Areas off New York’s Atlantic Coast.

Each would be capable of accommodating at least 800 MW of offshore wind. To support its request, the state submitted an Area for Consideration to locate the new Wind Energy Areas.

The proposal is the result of work undertaken by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the New York Department of State and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. The proposal requests that BOEM use the Area of Consideration for an Area Identification process, through which BOEM would delineate specific Wind Energy Areas for future leasing through engagement with stakeholders and local communities, as well as the completion of federal and state regulatory reviews.

Offshore wind can help meet Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal of achieving 50% renewable energy by 2030 and reducing greenhouse-gas emissions 40% below 1990 levels. Under its Offshore Wind Master Plan, New York’s commitment to install 2.4 GW of offshore wind, enough to power up to 1.2 million New York households, would further these climate goals by eliminating over 5 million tons of carbon-dioxide emissions annually from the power sector, says NYSERDA.

New York Secretary of State Rossana Rosado says, “The ambitious New York State Offshore Wind Master Plan provides a path to developing offshore wind in a way that balances new energy and economic opportunities with the many important uses and resources off New York’s Atlantic coast. As the state’s lead for the BOEM-New York Renewable Energy Task Force, the New York Department of State looks forward to working closely with BOEM and our federal, state, local and tribal partners to make sure the governor’s goal of 2,400 MW of offshore wind is reached by 2030.”

The state sent extensive information to BOEM regarding the identified Area for Consideration, which the state views as best suited for future offshore wind development, explains NYSERDA. The state identified the Area for Consideration after rigorous fieldwork, analysis and stakeholder consultation that included consideration of sensitive habitats. The area begins more than 20 miles from the shore.

“The identification of the Area of Consideration is another big step forward in advancing the state’s development of offshore wind under Governor Cuomo’s leadership,” says Alicia Barton, president and CEO of NYSERDA. “The state has already seen an extraordinary level of private-sector interest in offshore wind development, which will reap benefits for the state, including significant investments in coastal communities, locally produced clean energy and cleaner communities.”

Jeffrey Grybowski, CEO of U.S. offshore wind developer Deepwater Wind, notes, “Governor Cuomo has positioned New York at the leading edge of renewable energy innovation. Deepwater Wind is honored to be developing New York’s first offshore wind farm – the South Fork Wind Farm – and we look forward to working the state, BOEM and other stakeholders to advance New York’s offshore wind potential.”

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