Mass Megawatts Wind Power Inc. (MMGW) has developed the new adjustable augmenter designed to lower the cost of wind power. The new augmenter would increase the wind power plant cost by 30%, while generating five times the revenue, according to the company.
The augmenter would use a canvas panel system to funnel and accelerate wind into the company's multi-axis turbosystem (MAT). The augmenter is expected to increase harnessed wind velocity by 70%, translating into an increase of over five times the power output at each MAT power plant. The company plans to begin implementation over the next few months.
The augmenter system is a canvas panel with integral dump panels and top panel lift systems to minimize damage during wind gusts. Further, Mass Megawatts has developed side wall dump panels and top panel lift systems to minimize the pressure spikes in the augmenter during extreme wind events. These side dump panels will swing open when sufficient pressure differences exist between the inside and outside of the augmenter. The top panel lift system provides a bracket that allows the suspension cable to lift above the next panel to vent air velocity to the outside of the augmenter.
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