MDA EarthSat Adds Wind Data Features To Mapping Tool


MDA EarthSat Weather says it has expanded its Dynacast 2.0 interactive analog mapping tool to include a series of wind and data sets.

Users will now have access to a variety of hub-height wind data sets and the following features:

  • The capability to map anomalies of 80-meter wind-speed, averaged over selected dates in a set of years;
  • A full North American data set for daily hub-height winds, extending back to 1950; and
  • The ability for users to analyze 80-meter wind-speed anomalies associated with global climate variability models like El Niño and the North Atlantic Oscillation.

Dynacast 2.0 also provides auto-weighted analog forecasts based on various atmospheric drivers, as well as allows user-defined analogs. Support is provided for temperature and precipitation variables, including weighted degree days, temperature volatility and growing degree days, the company adds.

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