Massive Renewable Energy Storage Project Completed In China


Battery provider BYD and the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) have finished construction on a utility-scale battery energy-storage station in Zhangbei, Hebei Province, China, that will store renewable energy such as wind power.

The system combines 140 MW of renewable energy generation (both wind and solar), 36 MWh of energy storage and a smart power transmission system. BYD's iron-phosphate battery technology has a 20-year life and uses the company's peak-shaving and load-leveling charge and discharge methodologies, BYD notes.

‘The large-scale implementation of clean and green energy, such as wind and solar power, can only be realized when the technical difficulties of this new energy application in the utility system are resolved,’ says Xiu Binglin, deputy director of the National Energy Administration. "This State Grid project demonstrates a solution and will be the model of development for China's new energy resources."

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