MassCEC Announces $1 Million Clean Energy Initiative


The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) will sponsor a new program designed to further incent the development of clean energy technology in Massachusetts.

According to the MassCEC, the programs will offer between $100,000 and $300,000 for projects designed to address energy challenges facing the Commonwealth – such as renewable energy optimization, fuel-efficient vehicles or energy storage.

The Mass CEC says the development of clean energy technologies requires a successful demonstration and validation of the technology in order to attract investment.

MassCEC will award the funds to help companies finance demonstration projects, which test and showcase new technologies for the marketplace. Companies need to secure new private, federal, state or municipal funds or in-kind matching contributions for eligibility.

The organization says that it will give preference to projects that involve multiple companies, research institutions and energy consumers.

MassCEC will issue further program details – including the topic areas – in a request for proposals on Oct. 1. The first deadline for proposals is Nov. 5, with the final applications due Feb. 4, 2013.

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