Kaeufer Completes Final Testing For Suspended Work Platform


Kaeufer Blade Access Systems says it has completed the final testing for its next generation of suspended work platforms.

Kaeufer says the platform is capable of accessing blades in the 60-meter class, with a distance between tower and blade tip of around 50 feet, which sets a world record for suspended work platforms that fully encircle the rotor blade.

According to the company, the platforms are the only ones available that can be used to access rotor blades on the largest wind turbines, such as REpower's 6 MW, Gamesa's 4.5 MW, and Vestas' V112 models.

The company says its flagship model – of which more than 100 units are in use worldwide – recently received UL certification: the first fully UL-certified blade access system available for rotor blade access, according to Kaeufer.

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