ITC: Siemens Gamesa Technology Does Not Infringe on Third-Party Intellectual Rights


In a final determination, the International Trade Commission (ITC) has rejected all of GE’s claims against Siemens Gamesa in regard to GE’s Zero Voltage Ride Through Patent (U.S. 7,629,705).

While the ITC did rule in favor of a limited infringement on GE’s claims in regard to the Low Voltage Ride Through Patent (U.S. 6,921,985), it targets only full converter wind turbines running pre-2021 versions of software, which Siemens Gamesa no longer sells or imports. The ITC expressly found turbines running later versions of software did not infringe the ‘985 patent.

“The ITC made the right decision in supporting fair and legal competition in the American market,” comments Shannon Sturgil, CEO of Siemens Gamesa’s Onshore North America division. “We reiterate our firm conviction that no features or functionalities marketed by the company infringe any valid third-party intellectual property rights, and we remain committed to the American wind industry.”

As these issues continue to be subject to legal actions in a number of jurisdictions – including Siemens Gamesa’s own affirmative action regarding the infringement of Siemens Gamesa’s Offshore patents by GE scheduled for trial in Boston in April – the company will not comment further on the matter at this time.

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