GL Garrad Hassan has released the WindHelm Portfolio Manager for the North American market – a software tool that provides a single platform for the monitoring, optimization and control of any combination of wind turbines or wind farms.
According to the company, the product provides summary and detailed operational reports, including power curves, availability, meteorological data, faults/events, efficiency, and actual vs. expected production. Forensic analysis and data trending are available at the turbine, project and portfolio level.
With WindHelm, operators can access near-real-time data from a Web browser, and alerts are sent out via e-mail, mobile phone or pager, the company says, adding that the platform requires no extra equipment or software at the project site. The WindHelm Live product offers real-time operational control.
GL Garrad Hassan notes that WindHelm is fully compatible with any supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) platform with an ODBC/OPC interface, including all existing GL Garrad Hassan SCADA systems.