Gamesa To Launch Two New Wind Turbine Platforms, Lay Off 20% Of Its Global Workforce


Spain-based Gamesa plans to launch two new wind turbine platforms: a 2.5 MW onshore model and a 5.5 MW offshore model, the company said this week when releasing its 2013-2015 strategy.

Gamesa also said it will continue to develop its 7 MW to 8 MW offshore wind turbine platform and that it will maintain alliances with industrial and financial partners, with a view toward sharing financing needs in this segment.

Gamesa also said in its business plan that it will reduce its headcount as part of its strategy to return to profitability. According to the plan, the company will eliminate approximately 1,800 workers between now and the first quarter of 2013, which amounts to about 20.2% of its workforce. Most of these layoffs will be in Europe, China and the U.S.

However, David Rosenberg, Gamesa's vice president for marketing in the U.S., tells NAW that the numbers presented in the plan include the furloughs the company issued in Pennsylvania over the summer.

"Gamesa North America has already reduced staffing since 2011 through natural attrition and most recently announced additional staffing adjustments at its U.S. factories in August – those furloughs have taken effect," Rosenberg says. "The U.S market remains uncertain, largely because policy debates continue over the potential expiration of the federal production tax credit."

In addition, Gamesa will focus on key growth markets and segments, especially its operations and maintenance services. The company said it will continue to develop wind farms but will use a new model that will allow it to do so without consuming equity or drawing on external financing vehicles.

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