The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES) is constructing an oil sensor test stand on its grounds in Bremerhaven, Germany.
As the institute explains, wind turbines are increasingly being equipped with oil sensors to monitor the condition of the gearboxes, and the project aims to provide standardized oil sensing testing for the industry. IWES says the focus of the tests are reliability, accuracy and oil sensor operational capability.
"The operational conditions in gearbox oil-circuits for varying installation environments can be simulated here," explains Dr. Claus Kupferschmidt, leader of the DegradO project at IWES. "Furthermore, degrees of gearbox oil aging under changing operational conditions and with regard to contaminating pollutants such as wear debris, water and dust can also be simulated."
IWES expects the oil test stand will be completed in September, at which point the first tests on oil sensors made by various producers will then be carried out.