EWEA Names Siemens Wind Power CEO Its New Board Chairman


The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) has elected Markus Tacke, CEO of Siemens' wind power division, as its new chairman of the board.

Tacke took the helm at Siemens' wind unit in August 2013. Since joining the German conglomerate in 1998, he has also served as CEO of the industrial power business unit at the company's oil and gas division from October 2009. Prior to this, he was responsible for Siemens' work in industrial steam turbines.

‘This is an exciting moment in time for the wind industry, and I am looking forward to the task ahead," comments Tacke. "One of the first major challenges will be securing an ambitious 30 percent renewables target in the 2030 climate and energy framework to be agreed by heads of state and government. This will give the wind energy industry a springboard for the post-2020 environment.’

Tacke will succeed current EWEA President Andrew Garrad, who has served in the post in 2013 and 2014.

Garrad says, ‘Presiding over EWEA has been a richly rewarding experience, and we have transformed the association since I took office over a year and half ago. That EWEA is held in such high esteem throughout Brussels circles and across Europe is testament to the strength and fortitude of the organization and our industry.’

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