E.ON To Focus On Renewables, Offshore Wind


E.ON AG, Germany's largest utility, told Bloomberg Businessweek it will invest $9 billion in renewable energy over the next five years as the country moves away from nuclear power.

Dusseldorf, Germany-based E.ON plans to build at least three offshore wind projects, including the Amrumbank West wind farm in the North Sea.

E.ON, the largest investor-owned utility in the world, also includes E.ON Climate & Renewables North America. It currently owns and operates 13 U.S. wind farms with more than 1,900 MW of capacity.

As Johannes Teyssen, CEO, recently told Bloomberg, ‘Renewables are a cornerstone of our strategy, and offshore wind is one of E.ON's growth areas. We intend to commission a new offshore wind farm every 18 months.’

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