Ecofys Wind Turbine Testing Services says it has upgraded its 120-meter met mast with temperature gradient sensors.
Working in collaboration with Germany-based Ammonit Measurements GmbH, Ecofys explains the met mast was upgraded with six temperature sensors and a three-dimensional sonic anemometer. The aim is to provide insights into the vertical temperature profile, which affects the atmospheric stability of the wind under consideration, and its specific impact on the accuracy of remote sensing devices.
The company notes that it is undergoing similar research on temperature gradient measurement as part of the RealMe research project, which is being funded by the German Ministry of Environment.
Ecofys says understanding atmospheric stability becomes important as wind turbines reach greater heights and more complex sites are considered for wind energy. Further, the company notes that the validation measurements provide insight to the atmospheric stability, can greatly increase certainty in remote sensing wind measurement studies and can improve the bankability of future wind projects.