Department Of Energy Finalizes Loan Guarantee For New Hampshire Wind Project


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has finalized a partial guarantee for a $168.9 million loan to Granite Reliable Power LLC. The loan guarantee will support a 99 MW wind project planned for New Hampshire.

The project will be located in Coos County in northern New Hampshire, approximately 110 miles north of Concord. Project sponsors, BAIF Granite Holdings LLC and Freshet Wind Energy LLC expect that the development will support nearly 200 construction jobs.

The project will consist of 33 Vestas V90 3 MW wind turbines. The majority of the power from the project will be sold to Central Vermont Public Service and Green Mountain Power. WestLB AG is the lender-applicant for the project, which was submitted under the Financial Institution Partnership Program, in which the DOE provides a partial guarantee for up to 80% of a loan provided to a renewable energy project by qualified financial institutions.

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