CRS Announces Management Changes


Arthur O'Donnell will succeed Jan Hamrin as executive director of The Center for Resource Solutions (CRS).

O'Donnell brings to the position more than 20 years of experience as a nationally recognized energy and environmental journalist, and he is the founding editor and associate publisher of the award-winning California Energy Markets newsletter. He served most recently as editor of Land Letter, a weekly online service devoted to natural resources and as a West Coast correspondent for He is author of several books, including Soul of the Grid: A Cultural Biography of the California Independent System Operator and The Guilty Environmentalist, both published in 2003.

‘Arthur is an accomplished professional with a strong knowledge of energy markets,’ says Hamrin, who is the founder of CRS and will be retiring after serving as the organization's president for more than 10 years. ‘He has the experience to lead CRS into a period of solid and sustained growth as the organization takes on an expanding role in promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate change solutions worldwide.’ Hamrin will remain at CRS for a three-month transition period.

Jennifer Martin, director of certification programs for CRS, has been promoted to serve as CRS deputy director, a position that will allow her to assist O'Donnell in managing the organization and overseeing the development of its key programs, including Green-e.

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