Community Wind Energy Initiative Planned For Iowa


A community wind energy initiative comprising six projects is planned for rural southwestern Iowa.

The projects, which total 12.6 MW, will feature eight GE wind turbines purchased by 180 community members. Combined, the eight units will generate electricity for the towns of Greenfield and Fontanelle, as well as other surrounding communities.

GE also will provide maintenance support for the turbines under 10-year customer-service agreements.

The 12.6 MW community wind initiative comprises the following projects:

  • The Cumberland Rose Wind Energy project, located north of Orient, will feature one 1.6-82.5 turbine, representing an expansion of Bulldog Wind's previously installed 1.5 MW unit.
  • The Meadow Ridge Wind Energy project, located north of Greenfield, will be powered by one 1.6-82.5 unit, an expansion of Wolverine Wind's existing 1.5-MW wind turbine.
  • The Wiota Wind Energy project in Wiota will feature one 1.6-82.5 turbine.
  • The Forward Fontanelle Power project in Fontanelle will use one 1.6-82.5 unit.
  • The Greenfield Wind Power and Sky Volt projects, both located in Greenfield, will each use a single 1.6-82.5 turbine.

Three of Farmers Electric Cooperative's 11 substations, the City of Fontanelle and the City of Greenfield will purchase power from the projects. All of the remaining power generated will be purchased by Central Iowa Power Cooperative, the regional power distributor, which will provide the power to other nearby communities.

The state of Iowa offers a 10-year tax credit for small wind power projects that generate less than 2.5 MW. Local counties where the projects are being built offer property-tax incentives for the first seven years.

Each turbine provides benefits from tax credits, land lease royalty payments, property taxes and dividends totaling $1.08 million annually over a period of 10 years, according to GE. All of the financial benefits, in addition to the shareholders' annual dividends, go back to the community.

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