Chinese Wind Turbine Manufacturer Sets Up R&D Center In North Carolina


Chinese wind turbine manufacturer China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Ltd. has opened its North American research and development (R&D) center on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University (NCSU) in Raleigh, N.C.

The new center will focus on research using an offshore wind turbine in order to further enhance energy output and lower the cost of electricity, the company says. Dr. Shu Ching Quek, president of Ming Yang Wind Power USA Inc., will lead the center.

The announcement is in line with the recently released report from the Scientific Panel on Offshore Energy that recommended engaging wind energy companies to promote opportunities for offshore wind development and making the state an East Coast hub for the industry.

‘The R&D center is Ming Yang's first step into the United States," notes Chuanwei Zhang, chairman and CEO of Ming Yang. "North Carolina is a proven natural ground for the research and development for offshore wind turbine technology, since the state has the best offshore wind resources on the East Coast."

According to Ming Yang USA, some of the goals of the R&D center include lowering the cost of offshore wind power and increasing wind turbine efficiency and reliability.

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