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Uncertain Policy Leads To Wind Power Market Forecast Downgrades
Global wind power markets are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7%, according to MAKE Consulting's 2012 Global...
DOI Releases New Guidelines To Streamline Wind Energy Development While Protecting Wildlife
The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) has released guidelines designed to help wind energy project developers avoid and minimize the impacts of...
Report Reveals Top 10 Wind Turbine Manufacturers For 2011
MAKE Consulting has released its list of the top 10 wind turbine manufacturers in the global wind power market, along with their respective...
Wind Energy Generation On BPA Grid Tops Record-Breaking 4 GW
Wind turbines connected to the Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) transmission grid generated over 4 GW for the first time on March 11, producing...
Florida’s First Utility-Scale Wind Energy Project Moves Forward
The Palm Beach County Board of Commissioners has voted unanimously in support of the development of Wind Capital Group's Sugarland Wind Energy Project,...
Mexican Wind Farm Will Provide Power To California
The California Public Utilities Commission has approved a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) to buy the...
UTC’s Clipper Sale Underscores Harsh Wind Power Market Realities
Hartford, Conn.-based United Technologies Corp. (UTC) announced on March 15 that it was selling off Carpinteria, Calif.-based wind turbine manufacturer Clipper Windpower as...
6.15 MW Offshore Wind Turbine Installed In Belgian Waters
REpower Systems SE and Belgian offshore energy developer C-Power NV have installed a 6.15 MW offshore wind turbine 28 km off the port...
Dominion Eyeing Offshore Wind Power Development Off Virginia Coast
Dominion Virginia Power has expressed interest to the U.S. government in obtaining offshore wind power leases for an area off the Virginia coast....
New York Wades Into Offshore Wind Energy Development
A comprehensive new study released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will guide the future development of offshore wind energy projects...
UTC Selling Off Clipper Windpower To Buy Goodrich
United Technologies Corp. (UTC) says it plans to sell off wind turbine manufacturer Clipper Windpower as part of a deal to acquire Goodrich...
Transmission Line Set To Help California Achieve Its Wind Power Potential
California's aggressive renewable portfolio standard requires utilities to obtain 33% of their energy from renewable resources by 2020. Although the state has great...
How The Wind Energy Supply Chain Can Prepare For A Possible Post-PTC Era
As the possibility that federal renewable energy incentives - such as the production tax credit (PTC) for wind power - will not be...
Minnesota Could Meet 100% Of Its Power Demand With Wind, Solar Energy
Wind and solar energy resources, combined with improvements to the state's electric grid and energy-efficiency policies, could meet 100% of Minnesota's electricity generation...
Offshore Wind Study Recommends Substations Be Added In Atlantic Ocean
One offshore substation platform with two 230 kV power lines is appropriate to transmit to shore every 500 MW to 700 MW of...
Chinese Wind Turbine Manufacturer Sets Up R&D Center In North Carolina
Chinese wind turbine manufacturer China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Ltd. has opened its North American research and development (R&D) center on the...
2011 Was Best Year Yet For Global Wind Power Market
Clean energy markets - especially for wind and solar power - continued to expand rapidly in 2011, even against a tough economic and...
New Transmission Analysis Tool Helps ERCOT Break Wind Power Record
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) reports that it broke a new wind power record on March 7, exceeding the previous record...
Vestas To Supply Wind Turbines For 396 MW Project In Mexico
Vestas says it has received a 396 MW wind turbine order from Marena Renovables for a project that the companies say will be...
Gamesa Sells 480 MW Of U.S. Wind Farms To Algonquin
Gamesa has signed a deal to sell four of its U.S. wind farms - representing a combined capacity of 480 MW - to...