CanWEA Applauds Green Focus Of Federal Budget


The Canadian Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is voicing its support for the Canadian government’s newly released Budget 2017, which includes promoting renewable energy across the country.

Budget 2017 is the next step in the government’s long-term plan to “create jobs and strengthen the middle class,” according to a press release from the Department of Finance Canada.

In order to advance the country’s efforts to “build a clean growth economy,” the budget includes investing in green infrastructure that reduces greenhouse-gas emissions, delivers clean air and safe drinking water, and promotes renewable power. Budget 2017 also takes important steps to support the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, the release says.

In response, Jean-François Nolet, vice-president of policy and communications at CanWEA, says in a statement that the group “applauds the federal government’s commitment to continue its transition to a low-carbon economy and its recognition that doing so will provide significant economic benefits to Canada.”

“We are pleased to see that the federal government will continue to collaborate with the provinces in developing and identifying green infrastructure projects that will allow the modernization of Canada’s electricity grid and the integration of clean, low-cost renewable energy sources like wind energy,” Nolet says.

“The wind energy industry is committed to working with the federal government to identify the projects that will best support the deployment, integration and optimized use of renewable power. This includes a role for wind energy in the reduction of diesel use in indigenous communities.

“We are also committed to collaborating with the federal government on the development and implementation of performance standards for natural-gas-fired electricity generation,” he continues. “CanWEA looks forward to working with the federal government as it forges ahead with its commitment to achieve the deep cuts in emissions needed to address climate change while strengthening the economy.”

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