California ISO Will Help Track Renewable Energy


The California Independent System Operator Corp. (California ISO) is offering a new service to its market participants that will help them meet the state's renewable portfolio standard (RPS). California ISO recently became a qualified reporting entity (QRE) in the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS).

WREGIS was formed as a west-wide information bank to track and report renewable energy production and to issue renewable energy certificates. Similar to the California ISO's using scheduling coordinators as intermediaries with generators, WREGIS will use QREs to facilitate the reporting function. California ISO plans to automate as much of this function as possible and offer it as a free service to its market participants.

‘This is another way the ISO can offer value to our market participants that translates into real value to California consumers as well,’ says Yakout Mansour, California ISO president and CEO. ‘We already track production from generators, so it's very cost-effective to expand this activity to cover WREGIS reporting needs. We can help market participants meet their RPS goals and do it at no additional cost to them.’

Several California load serving entities and renewable generators have expressed interest in having California ISO act as their QRE. California ISO has developed a streamlined process for parties to apply to receive WREGIS QRE services.

SOURCE: California Independent System Operator Corp.

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