Brazil's largest wind energy developer has purchased Second Wind's remote sensing technology as part of its standard practice in wind measurement.
Second Wind notes the purchase agreement with Sao Paulo-based Casa dos Ventos Energias Renovaveis includes not only Triton SoDARs but also Pentalum Technologies' SpiDAR LiDAR system. A company purchasing both SODAR and LIDAR units represents a significant endorsement of remote sensing technology as an essential complement to meteorological tower data in wind resource assessment.
Remote sensing systems calculate wind speed, wind direction and other data by measuring reflections or echoes of sound or laser pulses. According to Second Wind, Triton and SpiDAR are portable and provide wind measurements up to and above a commercial wind turbine's hub height, addressing the wind industry's need for data at higher heights.
No stranger to Second Wind, Casa dos Ventos already employs the company's Nomad wind data loggers and sensors on more than 250 meteorological towers to measure, record and transmit wind data on its prospective wind farm sites, as well as at operational wind farms throughout Brazil.