AWS Truepower Releases Upgraded Windographer Software


AWS Truepower LLC has announced an upgraded version of its Windographer software, which analyzes, visualizes and validates wind resource data from meteorological towers and remote sensing systems. According to the company, Version 4 allows users to perform numerous tasks more effectively and in less time.

Tom Lambert, director of Windographer at AWS Truepower, says this latest version ‘addresses many customer requests.’

‘It adds some really powerful features like a new MCP performance test mechanism, which lets you choose the best MCP method for your site; new calculated column options such as rotor-equivalent wind speed; more advanced vertical extrapolation; and the ability to create a typical meteorological year," says Lambert.

"It also includes some significant time savers like a calibration module and the Combine Anemometers window, as well as a lot of smaller enhancements to improve ease of use and workflow," he continues. "We think every one of our customers will benefit from this new version.’

Windographer 4 is available immediately, both as a permanent license and – for the first time – as an annual subscription.

‘The subscription offers low initial cost, predictable budgeting, and immediate access to future upgrades,’ says Lambert. ‘Plus, you pay only as long as you need it.’

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