Alstom Uprates ECO122 Turbine, Works On Taller Towers For Low-Wind Sites


Alstom has announced an upgrade to its ECO122 wind turbine from 2.7 MW to 3 MW, as well as a new partnership to develop higher towers for less windy sites.

Following measurements taken over a two-month period on an initial ECO122 unit installed in Wieringermeer, Netherlands, ECN1 has certified the machine as a 3 MW turbine.

Alstom has also signed a global partnership with Freyssinet to develop a 119-meter concrete tower specifically designed for its ECO122 wind turbine. This new tower will be made of 11 concrete sections, the lowest measuring 7.2 meters in diameter, for the base of the structure.

This partnership is in addition to a previously signed memorandum of understanding with Max Bogl Wind AG3 to develop a 139-meter tower for the ECO122. Alstom says it will offer its customers both high-tower options, which are suited to harness the stronger winds found at higher altitudes.

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