Alstom has announced the launch of the ECO 122, a 2.7 MW onshore wind turbine that can boost energy yield in low wind regions, according to the company.
At a wind speed of 7.5 m/s, the turbine delivers a net wind farm capacity factor of up to 42% – equivalent to 3,600 full-load hours each year – according to Alstom. The turbine has a rotor diameter of 122 meters and a swept area of 11,700 m2.
According to the company, an ECO 122 powered wind farm can reduce balance-of-plant costs by 10% to 15%, compared with a farm using typical 1.5 MW to 2 MW turbines, due to fewer foundations, platforms and roads, and less cabling.
The first ECO 122 is expected to be installed in 2012, with the first commercial deliveries expected in early 2013.